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Output Privilege Issues

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Output Privilege Issues

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Windows Vista introduces the concept of UAC (User Access Control) to enhance the overall security and stability of Microsoft Windows. UAC does not allow users without elevated privilege to have access to certain folders. Windows 7, the successor of Windows Vista, inherited the concept. If you runs PDF Writer on Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or later OS, you need to know that PDF Writeris designed to follow the UAC rules.


When you create a PDF file by printing to PDF Writerprinter, you get the Save-As-PDF dialog, and you can navigate to the folder of your interest to save the PDF result. Sometimes, you would see the following error message after you click Save button to archive your PDF output,


You don't have permission to save in this location. Contact the administrator to obtain permission. Would you like to save in the blah blah blah folder instead?


You should click Yes button to save your document in your own user folders such as My Documents or Desktop. You can choose to save to other locations as well under the premise that you have enough privilege to save in other locations.


If you enable Automatic Output and bypass the 'Save As PDF' dialog, one thing should be noted. This is, before you specify your Output To folder, you need to assure that the folder already exists and PDF Writerprint driver could have enough privilege to save the output PDF files to your folder.