PDF Page Settings Tab
Not everything fits neatly onto a standard page. Sometimes you need a larger page size, especially if you're creating engineering drawings or other technical documents. PDF Writer supports ISO, ANSI, JSI, and ARCH formats, making it easy to produce high-quality PDF documents from virtually any large-format document. Just use the PDF Writer printer - which is automatically installed with PDF Writer series products - to print from your application, and customize the page dimensions for the size you need. Width and Length value can be specified to answer your specific need.
Care much on the resolution of your PDF document? In this PDF Page Settings tab, you can specify the resolution from 72 dpi to 2540 dpi.
PDF Writer features zoom-in and zoom-out effect in the conversion from a source document to the final PDF document. The default scale is 100%, and you can change this value to virtually any percentage you want.
Either Landscape or Portrait should be specified as the default orientation. Print tickets sending from with an application, such as Microsoft Office, may override the default orientation. Therefore, you could get a PDF file with different page orientation for separate pages, preserving the exact layout and contents of your original document.